
  1. Before starting, the two variables of interest should be next to one another (the variable for the x-axis on the left). You can use the Copy/Paste options under Edit to do this.
  2. Highlight the variable names and the data values.


  3. Click the (Chart Wizard) button on the menu bar.

  4. Select XY(Scatter) under Chart type:. You can choose a style for the scatterplot under Chart sub-type. I usually select the box in the first row. After choosing the Chart sub-type, click Next>.

  5. In Chart Wizard - Step 2 of 4, we need to make sure the correct data values were highlighted. Data range: includes the data values to be plotted. Further, if the data was enter in columns, Columns should be selected under Series in:. Click Next > to continue or Cancel to startover.



  6. Chart Wizard - Step 3 of 4 is used to change the appearance of the bar chart.


  7. Click Next >. ChartWizard - Step 4 of 4, is used to determine the placement of the output.


  8. Click Finish and the scatterplot will be placed onto your spreadsheet.
